Marvel Studios 总裁 Kevin Feige 透露 X-Men 或将于 2019 年加入 MCU

网络 / 2018年12月28日 15:03


在 Disney 以天价 $713 亿美元收购 21st Century Fox 后,《X-Men》、《Deadpool》与《Fantastic Four》确定成为 MCU 一员,而何时能与 Marvel 现有英雄会面都是影迷们所期待的。而月初曾报导 Russo Brothers 一口同声确认 21st Century Fox 原旗下英雄绝对能在未来融入 MCU,更谈到 Marvel Studios 总裁 Kevin Feige 绝对能为大家圆梦。

而近日 Kevin Feige 也在专访中,证实了上段言论,抢先预告 X-Men 加入 MCU 的计画会在 2019 上半年著手筹备。但目前尚未有完整构思能够透露给观众,毕竟 MCU 已迈入成熟阶段,要再让其他英雄加入,必须经过缜密的计画。

“It’s surreal, in one way it’s incredibly satisfying. In the other way, it’s nearly unbelievable from where we started. There were days when I wasn’t sure we would be able to get Iron Man in theaters. There were days when I thought Avengers was a pipe dream. And there were days after Avengers where I thought, ‘Well, where do we go?’”

有兴趣的读者请留意 HYPEBEAST 的追踪报导,亦可关注《Black Mirror: Bandersnatch》首波预告。

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