Apple 最新网络信用卡 Apple Card 遭指控含有性别歧视嫌疑

网络 / 2019年11月12日 15:33


由知名科技大厂 Apple 打造的全新虚拟网络信用卡 Apple Card 可谓收到许多用户的青睐,拥有 Apple Card 的用户能够享有不少独家优惠,并能与 Apple 设备完美连结,方便性更加提升。然而今番,Apple 与知名金融企业 Goldman Sachs 合作推出的 Apple Card 却遭到群众指控 Apple Card 含有性别歧视的嫌疑。

最先提出此一问题的是《纽约时报》最畅销作家 David Heinemeier Hansson,其于 Twitter 上提到:「我和妻子会提交联合申报书,并共用信用卡和银行帐户,然而 Apple Card 却给了我比妻子多 20 倍的信用额度」,而此一系列推文马上传开来引起了关注。甚至 Apple 联合创始人 Steve Wozniak 也提到他可以得到比他妻子多 10 倍的信用额度,但其他贷款机构却没有这些问题,这明显是非常不公平的对待。

Apple 公司与 Goldman Sachs 则表示他们是运用复杂的演算法来推断并做出决定,Wozniak 则表示这些演算法显然有错误。目前金融服务署已经开始进行调查,除了确保所有不分性别的消费者都能得到平等对待,也要判定 Apple 及 Goldman Sachs 是否违反了纽约法律。


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The @AppleCard is such a fucking sexist program. My wife and I filed joint tax returns, live in a community-property state, and have been married for a long time. Yet Apple’s black box algorithm thinks I deserve 20x the credit limit she does. No appeals work.

— DHH (@dhh) November 7, 2019

She spoke to two Apple reps. Both very nice, courteous people representing an utterly broken and reprehensible system. The first person was like “I don’t know why, but I swear we’re not discriminating, IT’S JUST THE ALGORITHM”. I shit you not. “IT’S JUST THE ALGORITHM!”.

— DHH (@dhh) November 8, 2019

Just read this thread. My wife has a way better score than me, almost 850, has a higher salary and was given a credit limit 1/3 of mine. We had joked that maybe Apple is just sexist. Seems like it’s not a joke. Beyond f’ed up.

— Carmine Granucci (@whoiscarmine) November 9, 2019

Same here my wife is a doctor, I haven’t worked in 5 years and my credit limit is $20,000 her is $4,800. She wanted to surprise me with the new Apple Watch and phone for both of us, price tag came out to $5,200. She had to put the rest on our AMX.

— shareProud (@shareproud) November 9, 2019

The same thing happened to us. I got 10x the credit limit. We have no separate bank or credit card accounts or any separate assets. Hard to get to a human for a correction though. It’s big tech in 2019.

— Steve Wozniak (@stevewoz) November 10, 2019

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