gap是什么牌子:Gap品牌官网 Gap是什么牌子 英语gap的中文解说 翻译解说gap是什么意思 gap在线翻译

网络 / 2018年10月27日 13:58


名词 gap :
1. a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures

近义词: spread

2. an open or empty space in or between things

近义词: opening

3. a narrow opening

近义词: crack

4. a pass between mountain peaks

近义词: col

5. a difference (especially an unfortunate difference) between two opinions or two views or two situations

6. an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity

近义词: break, interruption, disruption

动词 gap :
1. make an opening or gap in

近义词: breach


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